Print this sheet and cut out the desired size to take with you bottle shopping! Lay it on the bottle for fool-proof sizing.

size guide

fool-proof sizing

other sizes

not just wine and champagne! check out our

Our circle labels are the perfect size for popcorn bags, or any other goodie/treat. They're 2.25" and you can find the exact bags I use on the Shop My Supplies page.

Round Stickers

The disposable camera wraps are sized for the Kodak Funsaver Cameras. I have them linked on the Shop My Supplies page. I also have instructions on how to apply these!

Disposable Cameras

We offer two sizes perfect for small and medium candles. The "full" candle size is perfect for the 3-wick Bath & Body candles. The "mini" size is 2" tall and is perfect for the 7oz candles in the dollar spot at Target.


Applying Your New Labels

step-by-step instructions for